
Karaoke for Sylver - In Your Eyes

Sylver - In Your Eyes (03:23)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Sylver - Angel On My Shoulder (04:00)
Sylver - Confused (03:16)
Sylver - Dance With Loneliness (03:38)
Sylver - Except Me (02:52)
Sylver - Forever In Love (04:21)
Sylver - Forever in Love (04:16)
Sylver - Forever In Love (04:17)
Sylver - Forgiven (03:21)
Sylver - Forgiven (03:24)
Sylver - Half As Much (03:17)
Sylver - Heal My Heart (05:36)
Sylver - In Your Eyes (03:23)
Sylver - In Your Eyes (03:23)
Sylver - In Your Eyes (03:31)
Sylver - Keep Your Hands (03:58)
Sylver - Lay all your love on me (03:29)
Sylver - Little Things (02:45)
Sylver - Livin My Life (03:44)
Sylver - Livin My Life (03:44)
Sylver - Lovesong (03:50)
Sylver - Make It (03:01)
Sylver - MakeIt (02:56)
Sylver - Mystery Of Tomorrow (04:44)
Sylver - Never Ever (03:33)
Sylver - On My Own (02:32)
Sylver - One Night Stand (03:47)
Sylver - One Night Stand (03:47)
Sylver - Secrets (04:16)
Sylver - Secrets (04:23)
Sylver - Seven Tears (03:26)
Sylver - Shallow Water (03:13)
Sylver - Skin (04:04)
Sylver - So Afraid (04:13)
Sylver - The Edge Of Life (03:24)
Sylver - The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (04:08)
Sylver - Turn The Tide (04:06)
Sylver - Turn the tide (04:05)
Sylver - Weeping Willows (05:38)
Sylver - Why (02:51)
Sylver - Why Worry (03:00)
Sylver - Wild Horses (03:53)
Sylver - You And I (03:34)

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